Love Me Gently — A Kid’s Guide for Man’s Best Friend© - Spanish Edition

Love Me Gently — A Kid’s Guide for Man’s Best Friend© - Spanish Edition
Easy-to-read, colorful illustrations will surely captivate every child in this lesson-based story of boy and his rescue to teach responsible pet care, keep kids safe, and prevent animal cruelty. Kids learn simple lessons such as allowing the dog to eat and sleep uninterrupted, patience in training, gentle handling, and safety around the house for both child and animal. These lessons can be applied to animals of all types so young readers are empowered and encouraged to make good choices, be responsible for their actions, and respectfully care for pets. (Ages 3-8)
*2020 Purple Dragonfly Book Award-1st Place Animals/Pets Category
*PETA approved as “One of the Best Books for Kids Who Love Animals” and “Must-Read Compassionate Books”
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Also available on Kindle at
Genre: Non-fiction
Format: Paperback, 8.5 x 8.5, 24, full-color pages
Release Date: December 2012
Publisher: CreateSpace
ISBN: 1544028016
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